Ya' never have to worry about being the first one to go to the bathroom, because he will probably beat you to it. Which is all cool, but it's pretty funny when people become aware of it for the first time, and the person in question the night this shot was taken is my object of molten lust, Molly Mounds a.k.a. Jen Datte. hehe
I drink an ass ton of water throughout the day and still piss less than this. Even makes me worry that I have kidney problems sometimes.
Where I tend to feel the urge to drop serious fluids is immediately prior to a movie at the theater. Never fail...I can fast for days on end, avoid even thinking about fluids and sit down to a movie and just as the theater dims, I've got to race like a damn piss horse! Ya' think I was a damn pregnant woman as often as I feel the urge in that situation.
At least it's not often that I get the urge to drop a major dook prior to watching a movie. It's problematic being comfortable enough to take a shit in there as is, and what if it's an extra runny shit? I hate excessive wiping with cheap TP. Then you're faced with two situations - well I'm faced with them...either feeling like I didn't wipe well enough or that I ran something barely soften than sand paper through my cheeks, and I'm sure we all have an idea how rough it feels when you irritate that area.
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