Starting this project off with a myriad of goals, I didn't really know where it would go and what I'd get out of it. At one point I thought, perhaps, that I'd embrace it and take an artistic interest in the photography, which I have, but I haven't exactly acted on that.
Main goal was to take a photo a day, or several photos and choose from those; that photo would then be posted and a minor story, or description concerning or inspired by the photo in question. However, the writing has concurrently been the best part and most troubling aspect of this 365 day endeavor.
Via the writing that goes with each of these blogs, I have began rediscovering my literary voice. Through finding that voice I have once again come to enjoy writing. Now I feel as if I can hold my own against the writers/journalists/bloggers out there that I have admired and respected. And if not hold my own, then exercise my ability and adapt through practice and further learning. In this way, the writing has become my favorite aspect of this project.
On the other side of the coin, the writing has become the major thorn in my side. Because each of the photos must be posted along with a story, as per my own rule, the project has become time consuming. So time consuming that I found myself holding off posting several days at a time, for a point - usually during the weekend when I had a bit more free time. It was a matter of prioritizing, but it ended up becoming too regular a practice, a practice that would eventually end up screwing me and throwing off my count far too many times. In recent months, for example, I've found myself several weeks behind, then I'd rush to catch up and get stuff under control. Rushing things, I'd start shorting my descriptions and stories. As RobRob might have put it, I was "barely trying."
However, I want to continue writing and doing the photo project. Which I will continue doing, but not together; at least I won't continue doing it on the same magnitude at which I attempted on this project. The writing will live on, but in a different form. The photography will also continue, but it will be a more traditional 365 photo project.
Jamie Kline said it best, when she soothed my irritations by stating the project should be more flexible than I tried to make it out to be. The rules, she also said, are only as rigid as we make them.
As I once again start a new 365 Day Project, I'll be more flexible with the rules. In a few days I'll post a blog being more descriptive of my photo project, which I may or may not post through Blogger. A friend has utilized a Wordpress, which I may look at over the next few days.
The photo above is of the camera that bore the brunt of my project's photography. For a time I kept the camera safely within it's protective case from which I would remove it for each photo op. This became a pain in the ass, ergo I began just tossing it in my pocket. You can see quite a few nicks and scratches on the camera, and I'm sure it's due for one hell of a cleaning.
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